Friday, April 17, 2009

Some good news during recession ( we are heading to the right direction)

The G20 meeting held on April 2, 2009 concluded and declared that they will:

1. Strengthen the financial system.
(a) By taking and continue to take action to strengthen regulation & supervision to reform the financial sector.
(b) Strengthening transparency & accountability, enhancing regulation, promoting integrity in financial markets & reinforcing international cooperation.

2. Deliver resources through international financial institutions to:
(a) Ensure that capital continues to flow to emerging market and developing countries.
(b) Increase the resources available through the international financial institutions (IMF).
(c) Ensure that the institutions have the facilities needed to address the crisis.

Global efforts to counter global slowdown (including Malaysia)

1. Coordinated efforts to inject stimulus packages to pump prime flagging economies.
2. Interest rates cuts.
3. Manage currency value.
4. Assistance to ailing industries.